Tokens for Retrieve PDF Form Content

The Retrieve PDF Form Content activity produces the following tokens.

Name Description Sample Syntax*
PDF Matched Whether the entry matched the master PDF form specified by the Retrieve PDF Form Content activity. This token can have one of two values: True or False. %(RetrievePDFFormContent_PDF Matched)
Field Name A token is created for each field retrieved. The token name is the same as the field name. If the field is a multi-value field, the field name is followed by _All.

%(RetrievePDFFormContent_Field Name)

%(RetrievePDFFormContent_Field Name_All)

*The "RetrievePDFFormContent" portion of the syntax changes to match the activity's name as specified in the Activity Name property box. Note that all non-alphanumeric characters, except underscores, are removed from the name. For example, if you rename the activity Read & Get - Form_A, the syntax for the field named "Date" will be %(ReadGetForm_A_Date).